New Patients
Scheduling an appointment
To schedule an initial evaluation appointment, please call 646-620-8620 and leave your name, call back number, and the reason for your call. Dr. Blackman will contact you to perform a brief phone interview in advance of the initial appointment. Once an initial evaluation is scheduled, Dr. Blackman requires a deposit to hold the time.
Initial evaluations are typically one to two 60-minute sessions after which Dr. Blackman will formulate treatment recommendations. These may include ongoing treatment with her or referrals to a more appropriate level or type of care.
Medication appointments typically take place on a monthly basis and are typically 25-30 minutes in length. Medication appointments may be more frequent in the beginning of treatment.
Therapy appointments typically take place on a weekly basis and are either 45 minutes or an hour depending on complexity and type of session.​
Cancellations/ No-Shows
Cancellations and no-shows will be responsible for full payment of the sessions.
This cancellation/no-show policy is common among many psychiatrists as appointment times are allocated for one patient at a time. While other physician specialties allow for double- or even triple-booking of appointment times, psychiatric appointment times are only booked for one patient at a time.
Payment Methods
Cash or check are the preferred methods of payment.
Venmo, Paypal and Zelle are also accepted.
Health Insurance
Like many private practice psychiatrists, Dr. Blackman is an out-of-network provider, meaning that she does not accept payments from insurance companies. If you are interested in seeking reimbursement from your insurance company, contact them directly to obtain information about your “out-of-network behavioral health coverage.” Dr. Blackman will provide invoices for services rendered.